45 Journal Prompts for Inner Child Healing
Are you looking to connect with your inner child? Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, providing a safe space for exploration and healing. It allows us to delve deep within ourselves, uncovering buried emotions and hidden aspects of our identity.
By using journal prompts for inner child healing, we can begin to reconnect with our inner child and give them recognition, love, and wholeness that may have been lacking for a long time. With these questions you can identify not only what needs to be healed, but you will also tap into your creativity and playfulness.
Remember to approach this journey with kindness and gentleness, allowing yourself the time and space to heal and grow. Healing your inner child is a process, so be patient.
What is Your Inner Child?
Your inner child represents the childlike aspect of your psyche that resides within you. It embodies your innocence, curiosity, creativity, playfulness, and vulnerability. It also holds the part of you that may have been wounded or neglected during your early years and longs for love and acceptance.
The inner child is often associated with our subconscious mind. It carries the memories, emotions, and beliefs from our past, even if we are not consciously aware of them. These experiences can influence our thoughts, choices, and relationships without us realizing it.
During childhood, our experiences shape our perception of ourselves and the world. Positive experiences can create a healthy and resilient inner child, while negative experiences can lead to a wounded or neglected inner child. These wounds can manifest as toxic behavioral patterns that continue to impact us in adulthood.
However, even if you had a relatively good childhood, there can still be areas where you had unmet needs and developed limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you.
When our inner child needs healing, we can experience a variety of problems, including:
- Feeling lost and disconnected
- Lacking motivation and drive
- Feeling like you’re not yourself
- Difficulty connecting with others
- Repeating toxic behaviors learned from our upbringing
- Being unable to deal with emotions in a healthy way
Why is Inner Child Healing Beneficial?
By healing your inner child, you can transform limiting beliefs and release emotional baggage. You can make peace with your past and move on from patterns of toxic or unhelpful behavior that came from childhood experiences.
Inner child healing can be a form of shadow work. Shadow work is the process of exploring and integrating the hidden, repressed, and disowned aspects of the self. It can be a challenging but rewarding process that can lead to inner peace and wholeness.
Understanding and embracing your inner child also allows you to tap into your authentic self, it helps you reconnect with your natural sense of wonder, playfulness, and creativity. Accessing that part of ourselves brings more freedom and joy to our lives.
Before diving into these writing prompts go someplace calm and quiet where you won’t be interrupted for a while. Feel free to set the mood with relaxing music and lighting.
You do not have to answer every question or do them in one sitting, take your time and sit with your answers to fully process them.

Journal Prompts for Inner Child Healing
Revisiting Childhood Memories
Take some time to reflect on your earliest memories. Some people can’t remember parts of their childhood, so you can always access your teenage memories instead.
- What are some of your earliest memories?
- What is your absolute favorite childhood memory?
- What were your favorite activities to do as a child?
- Who were your favorite people to spend time with? What did you enjoy doing with them?
- Who was your hero, or who did you look up to? What made them so special to you?
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
- What did you like learning about as a kid? What was fascinating to you?
- What did you feel like you were really good at as a kid?
- What were some of your successes as a child?
- What are a few positive skills or lessons you learned in your younger years?
- What aspects of your childhood are you thankful for today?
- Is there any wisdom that was passed on to you that you apply to your life now?
- If you could change something about your childhood, what would that be?
Identifying Wounds and Limiting Beliefs
This section of inner child journal prompts involves quite a bit of shadow work. It can be uncomfortable at times, but once you shine a light on old wounds you can start to challenge and reframe them, creating space for healing and personal growth.
If you experienced deep trauma in childhood it may be best to explore those events with a therapist.
- What were phrases your caregivers commonly said that put a negative slant on life? Ex: life is hard, you can’t trust people, when something good happens something bad happens, etc.
- How did your caregivers define being “good” and “bad”? Was it easy or hard to meet those standards?
- Did you have to change yourself to fit in with your family or peer group?
- How did adults respond when you expressed “negative” emotions, like anger, fear, or sadness? How did you process those emotions back then, and how do you process them now?
- What were some of your biggest fears? Are you still afraid of those things as an adult?
- What were your biggest worries as a child? Do you still worry about those things?
- What did you struggle with most that seemed easy for other kids?
- What was something you were insecure about as a child? Are you still insecure about it?
- When did you feel misunderstood?
- Is there some event or emotional trigger that you struggle to let go of? How is it holding you back?
- Are there any memories that bring up feelings of shame?
- Are there toxic habits you have today that go back to your childhood or imitate your caregivers?
- What messages about yourself did you internalize during your childhood that may be holding you back? Ex: I’m not worthy of love, I need to be perfect to be accepted, I’m too much or too little, etc.
- Can you find any limiting beliefs that came from your childhood that aren’t actually true?
- What did someone tell you that you couldn’t do, that you now know you can?
- What mistake do you need to forgive your child self for? Write them a note or letter of forgiveness.
- What labels were put on you by other people that don’t fit?
Nurturing Your Inner Child & Reparenting Yourself
Imagine sitting with your inner child today. Use these journal prompts to express your love, support, and understanding. Assure them that you are there for them, no matter what. Encourage them to share their feelings, fears, and dreams with you.
Be the parent or caregiver you needed during your childhood. Focus on cultivating self-compassion, nurturing, and meeting your own needs as you write.
- Looking at the labels or negative things that were said about you as a kid, why are they not true? What new, positive labels do you choose for yourself?
- What do you love about little you? What do you love about teenage you?
- Can you think of something that felt really hard or impossible to do as a child that you are good at now? What can you learn from that?
- Think about something you struggled with as a child or teenager, what comfort and advice would you give your younger self?
- If you could write a letter to your younger self telling them how amazing they are, what would you say? Try writing these letters to yourself at different ages
- What do you wish your younger self knew?
- What are you really proud of achieving or overcoming in your youth?
- Take a moment to close your eyes and look inward, what does your inner child need right now? What do they have to say? It might help to write the answer with your non-dominant hand.
- If you have or plan to have a child, what will you do differently from your caregivers?
Creative Expression of Your Inner Child
After answering the following questions, make time to do those activities this week. Allow your inner child to come out and play.
- What were your favorite games to play?
- What was your favorite book?
- What was your favorite movie and/or tv show?
- What was your favorite color?
- What was your favorite food and dessert?
- What was your favorite animal?
- What would be a perfect day for little you?
- Engage in creative journaling by drawing or doodling. Let your inner child guide your hand as you let go of expectations and judgment. Draw symbols, colors, or images that represent your inner child’s emotions and desires. Use this visual representation as a way to tap into your subconscious and connect with your inner child on a deeper level.
I hope you found these inner child journal prompts to be helpful and healing. Here are some more resources for you:
If you want to do more inner child work along with 21 days of transformational healing, check out my program Transcendence.