It’s Time to Unlock Your Power
Tired of feeling small, powerless, and doubting if your dreams are really meant for you? What would your life look like if you had 100% certainty that all of your dreams were possible and you went after them without fear?
Transcendence is the key to taking back your power. In 21 days you can begin to shed your limitations and gain an unshakable confidence that you already deserve everything you could ever want. With the tools in this program you can build a solid foundation for the life you’ve been dreaming of.
Unlock your magic and free yourself to be the luminous being that you are truly meant to be.

Are you ready to uplevel your mindset, develop habits that support your goals instead of sabotage them, increase your success, and manifest everything you’ve ever wanted? Then you’ve come to the right place!
Hi, I’m Katrina! A Point of Light is a resource for women to learn how to empower themselves so that you can breakthrough limiting beliefs, improve your life, and achieve all your goals and dreams. I’m so excited you’re here, take a look around!

Get a free wealth boosting meditation to help more abundance flow into your life

Magnetic Money Manifestor
Does looking at your bank balance make you feel stressed? Do you feel like you hustle and grind but money is never there when you need it? Why is money easy for some people, but not for you?
The truth is that your conscious desires and your subconscious mind’s belief system are in conflict. You want money, but you have deeply rooted beliefs that say money is hard to make or that you just aren’t worthy of it. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can transform your life and heal your relationship with money in this incredible program.
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Manifestation 101
Manifestation is the art of creating the life you want by changing your inner reality and bringing it into the physical world with the universe as your co-creator.
Maybe you’re completely new to manifestation, or you’ve watched The Secret and tried to use the Law of Attraction with no results. It’s not as simple as thinking positive thoughts, creating a vision board, and then everything you want comes to you. You have to reprogram your subconscious mind to get on board with creating what you want.
Ready to learn exactly how to manifest a life you’re in love with?

Limiting Beliefs Breakthrough
What’s been standing between you and the life you really want? Your belief system that tells you it’s not possible, you’re not worthy, you’ll fail, you don’t deserve love, you’ll be judged, there isn’t enough, and so much more.
In order to manifest your dreams you have to reprogram your subconscious mind to stop self-sabotaging and release it’s blocks against success, happiness, love, money, and everything else you want.
I teach you exactly how to do that in Limiting Beliefs Breakthrough.