55 Shadow Work Journal Prompts: Heal & Release
Healing the shadow self is essential to becoming a whole and happy person. Shadow work journal prompts allow you to reflect and look inwards at the parts of you which have been hidden out of fear or shame, but desperately want to be healed and integrated.
Doing these shadow work prompts will give you so much insight into who you are and what has shaped you as a person to this point. It allows you to heal old wounds and release the baggage and toxic patterns that have held you back from success, happiness, and even love.
Shadow work gives you the freedom to be who you are meant to be. These journal prompts will set you on the path to finding your true self.
What is Shadow Work?
Everyone holds both light and dark aspects of our personalities, and of course we tend to want to present only our best sides to the world so we suppress the darker parts of us that we fear would be rejected.
The shadow self is a term used to describe the unconscious and unprocessed emotions, beliefs, and memories that we carry. It is not meant as a reference to the dark, shadowy figure looming in our psyches, but instead alludes to the fact that we process and hold these feelings and thoughts in the shadows of ourselves because there is pain, guilt, or fear associated with them.
Shadow work is about recognizing that there are parts of ourselves that we have denied, rejected, or buried so deeply within us that they are hidden even to our own consciousness. The goal is to acknowledge these hidden parts of ourselves so that they can be integrated or healed, allowing us to become our most whole and complete beings.
Why Should I do Shadow Work?
Have you ever been stuck in a negative cycle, knowing it was bad but feeling helpless to stop it? Are you constantly self-sabotaging your relationships or career? Do you react to certain things in a negative way and not understand why? Do you try to hide certain feelings by eating, shopping, or substance abuse?
That is your shadow self expressing itself. We are either acting on suppressed feelings and beliefs without realizing it, or trying to avoid them with other feelings (like covering sadness with anger) or behaviors (eating instead of dealing with feelings).
It’s hard to see where we’re sabotaging ourselves when we’re doing it because these thoughts and patterns are so ingrained in us. Many people are not aware that they are holding on to unresolved or unidentified feelings that could greatly impact their ability to truly thrive in their life.
Shadow work is important to do because it helps us find inner peace and happiness. The shadow side of ourselves can be challenging to work through, but it’s important to try.
How Can Shadow Work Journaling Help?
In today’s world, stress and negativity can be a persistent and unwelcome guest in many people’s lives. We wake up with it, go to sleep with it, and even take vacations from it.
Many people have found relief by using a technique called shadow work journaling, which is a creative and therapeutic way to heal the shadow self.
A shadow work journal gives you a place to explore the darker side of yourself without the fear of being judged. With this method you simply ask yourself these questions and see what comes up.
A 2018 study on how journaling impacts depression found that journaling for 15 minutes each day produced a significant decrease in the incidence of depression over a 12 week period.
It helps you express, understand, and release feelings that you’ve been carrying around for years. Then you can heal them and move forward without that weight.
What Should I Write in My Shadow Journal?
Write about any negative thought, feeling, memory, or experience that comes to mind, whether it stems from a current situation or something in the past.
The reason why shadow journals can be so powerful is because they provide a safe outlet for feelings of sadness, anger, and frustration. Often, getting feelings out of your head and onto paper helps you to see them in a new way and helps you process them, instead of having them continue to fester inside you.
Things to Keep In Mind While Journaling
Have self-compassion. Through whatever comes up, just give yourself love and grace to feel what you feel and process it. No feelings are bad or good. Answering these journal prompts will be challenging, you’ll be confronted with stuff that’s uncomfortable, but soon you will see such great benefits.
Be patient. Shadow healing can take time. Your feelings probably won’t be resolved in a day, so allow healing to take place in it’s own time.
Keep showing up. Some big stuff might come up while you’re doing shadow journaling, and it’s ok to step back and take a break as needed, but keep coming back to it. Shadow work needs you to consistently show up to do this healing.
Also, you don’t have to do them all of the questions at once. Maybe just do a few each week and see what comes of it.
What do I do after journaling?
After you’ve written your answers spend some time thinking about your responses. Is there a pattern or core theme that runs through them?
For example, if many of your answers revolve around fear of being judged, then that is a signal that you need to work on your self-worth so that other people’s opinions are not holding you hostage and effecting your decisions.
Or if a shaky relationship with a parent comes up then you’d need to work on healing and releasing that (this doesn’t mean letting a toxic person back into your life, just healing the emotional pain on your end).
Integrate any revelations into your life going forward. When a situation comes up that triggers old wounds, ask how you can look at or deal with the situation in a different way than before, one that allows healing or breaks old patterns.
Sometimes you won’t know what to do with what you’ve learned about yourself, that’s ok too. Just having the awareness is a great first step to healing the shadow self.

Journal Prompts for Shadow Work
Inner Child Shadow Work Journal Prompts
We’ll start with questions for inner child shadow work, because so much of our emotional baggage comes from there. When you understand where an issue started it can be a little easier to process how it’s showing up as an adult. Do the first
- When you were growing up, what emotions or behaviors were labeled as “bad,” criticized, or not allowed?
- How would your parents respond when you were being emotional? How did that make you feel?
- What qualities or parts of yourself did you have to hide to be accepted and loved?
- If the child version of you was standing before you right now, what would you tell them or do? What would they need to feel seen, heard, and safe?
- While growing up, what qualities and behaviors were most praised or valued by your family or authority figures? Did you feel you matched up to those standards?
- When did you not feel safe as a child? Do you still not feel safe in those situations? What could make you feel safe now?
- As a child, what needs were not fulfilled? How can you fulfill them now?
- What does your inner child need to hear right now to feel that they are worthy of love, without any conditions or limitations?
- What qualities did you have as a child that you would like to have now as an adult?
- Are there any negative qualities or patterns you’ve copied from a parent out of loyalty or a desire to be loved by them? If you let that behavior go, how would it effect your relationship? What do you need to tell your inner child to make it feel safe for them to release this negative behavior?
Journal Prompts to Break Negative Patterns
- What negative patterns keep repeating in your life? (think about your relationships, finances, health, etc, only do one at a time)
- Where and when do you think it started?
- Did you learn it from someone else? If so, where do you think they learned it from?
- What emotions or events triggers this pattern?
- What (false) benefits do you think you get from repeating this pattern?
- How is this pattern hurting you?
- Could you forgive yourself for creating or participating in this pattern? Could you forgive the person(s) who taught it to you?
- What could your life look like if you broke this cycle?
- How could you break this pattern, or how could you avoid your trigger?
Other Shadow Work Prompts
- What are you afraid someone might judge you for? Do you ever not pursuing things that excite you because of this fear?
- What is something you judge people for that you know you do yourself?
- When other people project their insecurities onto you, what do you think it means about how they feel about themselves?
- Can you think of any time when you projected your own insecurities or fear onto someone else? Where do those feelings come from?
- Think about someone who really annoys or triggers anger in you, what qualities do you share with them? (be honest!)
- What is something about you that if other people found out, would make you feel guilt or shame?
- What do you think your worst flaws are? If your best friend or your child said they had those flaws, what would you tell them?
- Are there mistakes you’ve made that you judge yourself too harshly for? What do you need to forgive yourself for?
- How do you define failure? When you’ve failed in the past, what did you decide it meant about you? How can you change your definition of failure to give yourself more love and compassion?
- Think of a time you didn’t go after something you wanted, what were you afraid would happen if you weren’t successful? What were you afraid would happen if you were successful (in other words, how did playing small keep you safe)?
- Think of someone you envy, why do you think what they have isn’t available to you? Is it possible that if you changed your mindset and took the right steps, you could have that too?
- What situations bring out the worst in you? When you lash out, what part of you wants to be protected?
- Do you put your needs first, or do you always take care of other people and neglect yourself? What are you afraid would happen if you put yourself first?
- Are there boundaries you let people cross again and again? If so why do you think that is? What would happen if you didn’t compromise on your boundaries? – How to Set Boundaries
- Are there any relationships in your life where you know that person is doing more harm than good? What are you afraid would happen if you ended the relationship? Is there a reason you don’t feel worthy of a better relationship? – 14 Signs of a Toxic Relationship
- If there is someone who hurt you very deeply, what would you want to say to them? Get any thoughts and feelings out on paper. Ask yourself if you’re ready to release your emotional attachment to them, why or why not?
- What emotions are you uncomfortable expressing or seeing other people express? Who or what taught you it wasn’t safe to express that emotion?
- Do you feel safe disagreeing with people or expressing your opinions? Why?
- Are there times or situations when you don’t trust yourself to make the right choice or handle the situation? Why not? If you could give yourself compassion and grace in those situations, what would you tell yourself?
- Do you link your value as a person to your achievements? If you didn’t achieve the things your parents or society says you should, would you still be worthy of happiness? Why or why not?
- Is there anyone you often compare yourself to and end up falling short? Why are they your measure of success, value, or worth?
- What’s a trait you see in others that you wish you had yourself? Would it be absolutely impossible to cultivate this trait in yourself?
- Would it be safe to be happy as just the best version of you, flaws and all? How would it feel to never compare yourself to anyone else?
- How do you react when challenged situations come up? Do you feel confident you can handle them, or do you feel powerless? Are you actually powerless, or is that just a feeling?
- Thinking of times when you needed someone to support you and they didn’t, how could you offer that support to yourself?
- When you think about things that have gone wrong in your life, do you blame others or yourself? Is your approach constructive or destructive?
- When have you given your power away by blaming someone else for your action or inaction?
- When have you been too hard on yourself? What would be a more compassionate response?
- How do you feel about this statement: I am worthy of happiness no matter what my accomplishments or mistakes are.
- Do you feel comfortable asking for help? How do you feel when people ask you for help?
- Do you feel that someone or society doesn’t understand you? How would you like to be perceived instead?
- When you receive praise, do you feel deserving of it or not?
- When you don’t receive praise, do you feel a need for external validation?
- What does your inner critic criticize you the most for? Do you think the criticism is justified or helpful? Does that voice belong to anyone else? What would a kinder inner dialog sound like?
- Is there an event in your past (perhaps a time you failed or a mean comment from someone) that drastically hurt your self-confidence? Could you look at that situation in a different way now?
- Do you ever have impulsive reactions to situations that you regret later? Do your reactions mirror behavior you’ve seen in someone else? What would be a better reaction?
Can You do Shadow Work Without a Journal?
You can absolutely do shadow work without journaling, I have 6 other shadow work methods here that you can try.
Journaling isn’t for everyone, but I do recommend trying it a few times if you haven’t already.
That concludes this list of shadow work prompts. If you enjoyed this article and would like to receive similar content in your inbox once a week, subscribe below!
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