35 Journal Prompts for an Amazing New Year in 2024
At the beginning of every year it’s important to reflect on the past year and spend a little time thinking about what we want from the future, so I’ve made a list of helpful journal prompts for the new year.
You don’t necessarily have to make resolutions, though that’s great too if you’re into them, but I think it’s good to set intentions and decide what kind of energy you will bring to the new year. I recommend getting a notebook out and answering these 35 journal prompts for a better 2024.
Why bother journaling?
Writing out your thoughts and experiences can give you insight on yourself and your life. You get to know yourself better and you can identify and work through emotions that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Journaling helps clear out the mental clutter and bring clarity, so you can focus on what is really important.
These journal prompts for the new year will help you figure out what wasn’t working for you last year, and what you want to accomplish in 2024. You’ll figure out what your goals and priorities should be in the new year so that you can direct your focus in the most productive ways.
Your journal prompts for the New Year:
Reflecting on the last year:
- What are 10 great things that happened or that I accomplished last year?
- If someone asked me to describe myself right now I would say…
- What bad habits do I want to leave in the past?
- What limiting beliefs about myself will I leave behind?
- What can I let go of right now to make space for something better?
- Do I need to forgive anyone, or myself, so I can more forward without that baggage?
- What is already going well in my life?
- Ten things I am most thankful for are…
- What are 5 of my greatest strengths?
- What do I need to stop judging myself and others for?
What do you want to experience in the next year:
- A new experience I want to have is…
- Something I want to change or improve this year is…
- What do I want more of in this up coming year?
- What do I want less of?
- The kind of people I want to attract have the following qualities…
- What does my dream life look like?
- If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I do?
- Something new I want to learn to do this year is…
- What’s one thing I can look forward to this year?
- When next year arrives I want to have accomplished these 3 things…
- Where do I want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months?
- What’s one thing I will do that I was too afraid to do before?
- What does my ideal day look like?
- How can I make my life easier?
- One small thing I’ll do everyday to be my best self is…
Define your values and strategies:
- How can I put myself first?
- Who or what inspires me to be better and why?
- What are my values and what do I stand for without compromise?
- Ten things that make me happy are…
- My empowering mantra for the next year will be…
- How can I best serve my community?
- What kind of person do I want to be?
- What strategy can I implement to be productive everyday?
- How do I define success?
- How will I practice self care in stressful moments?
Some posts you might be interested in:
- 30 Self Care Ideas to Reduce Stress
- How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Self Talk
- 12 Ways to Detox Your Life and Feel Refreshed
- How to Create a Magical Morning Routine
- 55 Awesome Daily Habits that Will Improve Your Life
I hope you found these journal prompts for the new year helpful and that they brought you insight about yourself and the kind of year you want to have in 2024. I wish you a happy and productive New Year!
Free Self Love Journal Prompts PDF for Subscribers
Totally using these! Journaling is part of my nightly routine and sometimes I get bored just writing about my day. These will help me think about things differently. Thanks!
I love these prompts! I am slowly getting back into writing in my journal regularly, so I am going to have to give these prompts a try to see if they can help me get back into that habit and also learn more about myself as I do so.
Thank you for sharing these! I want to start journaling soon so these prompts are super helpful!
Erika Marie | https://imerikamarie.com
very helpful tips for journaling
I absolutely LOVE journaling! Thank you for these awesome journal prompts for the new year. I haven’t even thought of some these.
It’s so great to be able to look back on old journals and see growth in yourself!!
All of these are great prompts! I journal and really enjoy writing in my diary. Great time for self-reflection!