daily positive habits for success

55 Positive Habits of Successful Women

Have you ever wondered what it is successful people do differently? They have positive habits that they’ve used daily to improve their lives. Our daily habits are so important, they shape our lives in literally every way.

Do you feel like you aren’t productive? Are you struggling to reach your goals? Is your home chaotic when you’d like it to be peaceful? Could your health be better?

It all comes down to your habits. If you look at the daily routine of a successful woman, chances are she does many of the positive habits I’m sharing with you today.

Good habits make life easy and more productive, while bad habits make life difficult and messy. I’ve found that gradually changing my daily habits has made life so much better, so I’m sharing 55 daily positive habits of successful and happy women so that you can improve your life.

Whether you are a student, stay at home mom, or business woman, you will benefit from integrating these habits into your routines.

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You don’t have to change all your habits at once!

It’s really tempting to declare that you’re going to adopt all of these positive habits right now and become a changed person in a day. However, that’s not quite how it works. In fact that’s an almost guaranteed way to sabotage yourself.

In the age of free 2 day shipping, food delivery, wifi everywhere, instant access, go go go we’ve become accustomed to instant gratification. So it makes sense that we expect to change ourselves in an instant, but humans are too complicated for that. Successful women focus on one thing at a time so they can give it their best effort.

Why are habits hard to quit or create?

We’ve all got ingrained beliefs, thought patterns, behaviors, habits, quirks, etc buried deep in our brains. Once your brain creates neural pathways to make repeated behaviors or beliefs automatic, oh baby it does NOT want to let go!

That’s why it’s so much easier to go sit on the sofa when you get home from work instead of putting on your running shoes. You aren’t lazy, your brain is just used to certain behavior.

Your brain is like a naughty puppy, it takes time, patience, and positive reinforcement to train!

The good news is that you can reprogram your brain to create new neural pathways for positive habits, and at the same time redirect it from old pathways you may want to quit.

So how do you start a new habit?

I’ve written about How to Create Habits and Achieve Your Goals and How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs if you want to read more about that. There is a lot of helpful information there on changing your thought process and using daily habits to improve your life so you really should check them out!

In short though, ideally you should focus on just 1-3 positive habits that you’ll work on at once. Habits are created through repetition and consistency, so you should pick a few that are realistic for your lifestyle. Set yourself up for success.

The most important factor is remembering to do these positive habits. I’ve found having a habit tracker is the best way to be reminded to do a task. Think of them like a game or competition with yourself. I like to print them out and tape it onto the closet door to be checked off every day. You might put yours next to your desk or on your fridge.

55 Positive Habits of Successful Women

1. Take regular walks.

2. Make your bed every morning.

Making the best makes your bedroom look nicer and it helps you start off the day with a small win from which you can build momentum for bigger wins.

3. Fold laundry as you take it out of the dryer.

This may seem a little random but I know many of us are guilty of leaving clean clothes in the hamper for days. I hate folding laundry but if I do it as I take things out it’s less overwhelming and I never have a hamper of clean clothes sitting around for a week. It just leaves you with one less thing to do so you can focus your energy on more important things.

4. Lay out school/work/gym clothes the night before.

Laying out your clothes the night before might not seem like an important positive habit but it is!

Studies have shown that humans get decision fatigue because we have a limited amount of mental energy each day to make choices. We make decisions all day long, and as the day goes on making smart choices becomes harder because that energy tank is being depleted. So towards the end of the day our choices can become less than ideal.

Eliminate one decision by picking your clothes out the night before and save that energy for more important things.

If you need extra motivation to workout I find it helps to have cute gym clothes I’m actually excited to wear.

5. Go to bed early and wake up early.

This isn’t for everyone, but if you find yourself wanting to utilize the morning hours more efficiently then it may be beneficial to start going to bed earlier.

6. Keep up with the news.

Having a general awareness of what’s going on in the world is a really important part of being a member of society… and planet Earth. Read at least one news article a day from a trustworthy source.

7. Journal daily.50 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts

8. Adopt smart money habits.

Successful women have good money habits. The habits in this post helped me put over $100,000 in the bank by the time I was 30. ->> 10 Money Habits to Build Wealth

free money manifesting meditation

9. Say “good morning” to people with a smile.

Sometimes a smile can light someone’s spirits, though of course don’t feel obligated to smile at people if you aren’t feeling it.

10. Exercise 3-5 days a week.Best Affordable Home Gym Equipment

11. Make a weekly to-do list.

Write down & look at your to-do list daily. Learn how to write a to-do list you’ll actually achieve. A successful woman makes a list and checks it twice.

12. Meditate daily.

Meditation helps calm your body and clear your mind. I’ve made a lovely short morning meditation that will start your day off right!

13. Do a 10 minute clean up before bed.

Starting the day with a clean home is going to reduce stress, make you happier, and let you focus on more important tasks.

14. Wear SPF every day.

Your skin will thank you. My absolute favorite face sunscreen is the Naked Sundays CabanaClear Water Gel Serum SPF50, it blends right in and doesn’t feel oily at all.

15. Eat mindfully.

Pay attention to your hunger cues and your meals. Eat without looking at your computer or phone.

16. Say NO.

Successful women don’t waste time on things that won’t serve them. They know when to say no. – How to Say No

17. Clean up as you go.

Avoid big time consuming messes by cleaning as you go. You will avoid so much stress by making a habit of putting things away as soon as you’re done with them, rather than letting them collect around your house.

18. Stretch or do yoga before bed.

I used to really struggle to sleep at night, and I attribute falling asleep more easily in part to stretching every single night before bed. I also recommend sleep affirmations.

19. Take vitamins.

20. Successful women make positive thinking a daily habit. – How to Stop Negative Thinking

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21. Wash your face morning and night.

In the morning I just rinse my face with water but at night I use Almond Oil to loosen my makeup and the Acure Radically Rejuvenating Cleansing Cream.

22. Focus on one thing at a time.

Studies show that multi-taskers are actually less productive than people who focus on one task at a time. Do one task until it’s done or designate specific times to work on a task if it’s going to take an extended amount of time.

23. Keep a notebook nearby for your ideas and thoughts.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten good ideas I had because I didn’t write them down… I mean I literally can’t tell you! Write ideas down before they go, have a notebook close, make a voice memo, or use the Google Keep app.

24. Immediately put dirty clothes in the hamper and clean clothes in the closet or dresser.

25. Give out compliments generously.

Successful women lift other women up! Make someone’s day by giving them a compliment.

26. Have a playlist of songs that make you happy.

A good playlist can change your mood and lift your energy so you can have a positive attitude for the day.

27. Be polite to service workers (waiters, cashiers, etc). Tip generously.

28. Stand in Wonder Woman pose

Body language is just as important as your words, it can convey confidence or insecurity. Even if you don’t feel totally confident, hold your body like you are.

Try standing in front of the mirror in Wonder Woman pose and saying some affirmations for confidence everyday. You might not believe it at first but positive habits practiced daily over time produce results.

29. Have a designated space for everything in your home and put things away when you’re not using them.

“A place for everything and everything in its place,” is one of the most valuable things my grandma taught me. If you always put things away you always know where they are when you need them. It’s very rare that I can’t find what I need.

30. Start the week off right with a Productive Sunday Routine.

55 habits for happiness and success
55 Habits to Improve Your Life Everyday

31. Assume most people are doing the best they can with the tools they have instead of assuming the worst.

If someone makes a mistake, wouldn’t it feel better to believe that they did the best they could, rather than doing it just to annoy you? When you make this mental shift you’ll feel a whole lot more peace in your interactions with people.

32. Clean your makeup brushes and sponges once a week.

Letting bacteria build up on your makeup applicators increases the chances of getting breakouts, and for many of us it’s easier to feel confident when we have clear skin. This is the best cleaner.

33. Open your windows and doors when the weather is nice.

Fresh air lifts your mood and clears your head!

34. Do the dishes after dinner. Avoid the mess in the morning.

35. Close your eyes and take five slow deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed out.

36. Listen to educational or uplifting podcasts while cleaning or driving.

37. Establish healthy boundaries with people in your life.

We all know those people who just kind of suck the energy out of us, or who are down right toxic. Protect your positive energy by putting up boundaries.

Here are 10 ways to set boundaries with toxic people.

38. Write positive affirmations on Post-Its and put them around your house.

39. Celebrate your wins and successes, big or small.

Acknowledging and celebrating all your wins helps you to reinforce the belief that you are a successful person. Your beliefs influence your actions, so believing that you can accomplish things helps you to take more actions that will further your success.

40. Create visual cues for your goals.

When you’re working on adopting a new habit it can help you create visual cues that prompt you to take a specific action. – How to Achieve Your Goals by Changing Your Environment

41. Always have healthy snacks available and pre-cut or portioned for easy access (fruits, veggies, nuts).

You gotta have a healthy body and mind to be successful right? Make it easier on yourself by having healthy snacks on hand.

42. Have treats in moderation.

Eating healthy is important for your body but having treats is important for your soul. I put dark chocolate chips in my oatmeal every morning, it feels like dessert and I look forward to breakfast more than any other meal.

43. Schedule play or relaxing time every day.

We all need time to recharge. Make time to relax and unwind.

44. Look for the solution.

Successful women look for solutions to problems instead of getting frustrated and quitting. Take a step back, take a breath, and regroup.

45. Visualize your desires like they’re already yours.

Visualize having the things you want first thing in the morning and before falling asleep at night, that’s when your mind is most open to suggestion.

46. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the most positive habits that will improve your life that I can think of. A successful woman appreciates everything she already has, even when she’s striving for more. Write or think of 5 things you’re grateful for each morning or before bed.

47. Open your curtains to let the sunlight in.

When I’m feeling tired sometimes just letting more sunlight into the room makes me feel better, it gives you a boost of energy. If you don’t want neighbors looking in get a non-adhesive window film (I have this, when the sunlight hits it it throws rainbows around the room, you literally just put it on with water).

48. Open your mail and recycle it as soon as it comes in.

49. Have a creative hobby.

Take time to do things you enjoy. Hobbies give your analytical mind a break and allow the creative side of your brain to take over.

50. Practice self care daily.

Self care is a positive habit that everyone needs to practice regularly. Successful women know they have to take care of themselves before they can take care of others. – 30 Self Care Ideas for When You’re Stressed Out

51. Take the stairs.

52. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.

53. Tidy up your workspace before you leave it.

Tidy your desk at the end of the day, that way you come back to an organized desk tomorrow with everything where you need it.

54. Exercise your brain with puzzles, crosswords, or educational games.

It’s important to challenge our brains as we age to help us retain our cognitive abilities. Games and puzzles are a good way to do that.

55. Read a chapter of a personal growth book daily.

Personal development is one of those things that have changed my life. I’ve learned so much about how humans, and my own brain, works. When you understand how your mind works you can use it better, and the books I’ve recommended will do just that. The Slight Edge and Atomic Habits are all about how to develop positive habits. – 12 Best Self Help Books for Personal Development

That’s it my friend! I hope you got some ideas for positive habits you want to try out! I promise these daily habits of successful women will improve your life if you gradually integrate them a few at a time and stay consistent!

Give the habit tracker a try!

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  1. This is a great list! Slot if these I do or have wanted to do more of. Really they are the basics for living a nice life. 💚

  2. I love these tips. I have been having a lot of pain that I don’t manage well. I definitely need to drink more water and I could eat better. I started thinking better about people and I feel a huge weight off of my shoulders. I highly recommend your blog to all of my friends.

  3. I love this! Wish it was a printable. I’m glad I keep a notebook near to write down habits I would like to work on! Thank you for this

  4. I think the most challenging thing for most people (myself included) is resisting the urge to want to change all the habits at once…..it’s very important to take everything step by step so that you don’t get overwhelmed because habits take time to change…. nevertheless, never stop trying!

  5. such a great list! and totally agree that you don’t have to change everything at once 🙂 every little change adds up over time! x