how to make your home cozy for fall

Autumn Ambiance: 10 Ways to Make Your Home Cozy for Fall

Ready to make your home cozy for fall? As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, there’s nothing quite like the warm and inviting feeling of a cozy home in autumn.

Whether you enjoy curling up with a book or watching spooky movies, your space can make the experience so much more satisfying.

Fall decor can be as simplistic or elaborate as you want, even just a few small changes can transform the whole vibe of a room. With a few simple additions and creative touches, you can turn your living space into a haven of comfort and autumnal charm.

Let’s explore ten easy ways to make your home cozy and inviting for the fall season.

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10 ways to make your home cozy for fall

How to Make Your Home Cozy for Fall

1. Moody lighting

Some people struggle when it gets dark early, but even if you don’t, cozy lighting is a must in the autumn.

Consider incorporating string lights or fairy lights for a whimsical, warm glow that instantly creates a cozy mood.

Other good options are maple leaf string lights, moon lights, salt lamps, string light curtains, and neon signs.

Drape your string lights on the wall, around your tv, along your mirror, or inside your bookshelf.

For hanging lights I’ve had great luck with the Command adjustable hooks, the adhesive is strong enough for string lights but won’t rip paint off the wall.

A light therapy lamp can also be a good choice if you aren’t able to get outside much.

2. Cozy blankets and throw pillows

Adding textures and colors can go a long way towards making a space feel more cozy. Blankets and throw pillows in rich, autumnal colors like deep reds, warm oranges, and earthy browns can instantly make your space feel festive and comforting.

Drape them over your sofa, chairs, and beds for added comfort and a touch of fall style.

I love buying velvet pillow covers to instantly upgrade throw pillows, and this way you don’t have to find places to store pillows that don’t fit the season. Try this pretty orange pompom throw blanket.

3. Wall art, banners, or tapestries

Change up your wall decor to reflect the season. Hang fall-themed art, banners, or tapestries featuring scenes of autumn foliage, harvest motifs, or spooky designs for a seasonal touch that can be easily swapped out as the seasons change.

I love this plaid pumpkin banner from Amazon.

Try looking on Etsy for unique art prints, or consider getting a fall themed paint by numbers kit so that you can make your own fall art.

4. Candles

Candles create an enchanting atmosphere in any room and are a must have cozy fall decor item. Real candles have the benefit of delicious scents like cinnamon, apple, or pumpkin, which definitely adds to the cozy autumn vibes, but battery candles can be a great option too.

I have these purple candles which fit great with the Halloween season, but these gold glass candles are so beautiful and dreamy.

Scatter them throughout your home for both visual and aromatic warmth.

Gold Glass Candles

5. Kitchen decor such as hand towels, decorative bowls, and coffee mugs

Make your kitchen cozy too with autumnal hand towels, bowls, vases, and coffee mugs.

The thrift store is a great place to find seasonal bowls and vases, while Home Goods, Target, and Etsy have the cutest mugs.

Here is a collection of adorable fall mugs from small businesses on Etsy.

These small additions can make your kitchen feel warm and inviting, and you might even be inspired to do more fall cooking.

6. Autumn produce like pumpkins, apples, squash

Fall decor can be as simple as the produce you would normally buy this time of year. Display apples and squash in cute bowls in your kitchen, dining, and living spaces, and put pumpkins (real or fake) all around your home.

A pumpkin, candle, and plant can be a simple but impactful feature on a side or coffee table.

7. Spooky decor

If you love Halloween, consider adding some spooky decor to your home. From eerie candles and faux cobwebs to skeletons and jack-o’-lanterns, these decorations can add a playful yet cozy touch to your fall setup.

Halloween decor can be cute, creepy, mystical, or even glamorous (think pink pumpkins and crystals) so play with whatever theme calls to you.

Ghost Figures

8. DIY fall crafts

Get creative and make your own fall decorations. Try your hand at crafting wreaths, garlands, or even hand-painted pumpkins. DIY projects not only add a personal touch but also bring a sense of accomplishment to your space.

Look on Pinterest for fall DIY ideas!

9. Harvest Baskets

For an easy and free fall decor idea, decorate with harvest baskets, bowls, or trays filled with pinecones, acorns, dried leaves, and other natural elements. These rustic displays add a touch of outdoor charm to your indoor spaces and bring the essence of autumn indoors.

10. Table centerpieces

Create stunning centerpieces using items like autumn foliage, candles, or decorative pumpkins. Whether it’s your dining table, coffee table, mantle, or bookshelf, a well-designed centerpiece can become the focal point of your cozy autumn decor.

More fall goodness:

With these creative ideas, you can transform your home into a cozy autumn retreat that welcomes you with warmth and charm every time you step inside. Embrace the spirit of the season, indulge in some DIY projects, and make your living space a haven for relaxation and coziness during the fall months. Enjoy the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the comfort of your beautifully decorated fall sanctuary.

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