33 Holiday Journal Prompts to Help You Enjoy the Festive Season
Guest post by Harshita from Bellflower Lifestyle
The holiday season, which we many of us look forward to, is around the corner! While it is exciting and fun for many, it can be tough and stressful for others-so these holiday journal prompts will help you make the best out of this season and end it on a good note. This festive season is a great time to reflect and celebrate the accomplishments, blessings, and lessons of the year.
While there so many happy and warm emotions associated with the holiday season, it’s not always easy. Rushing all the time can often make us neglect the beautiful parts of the holiday and end up making us feel frustrated or ungrateful. Some people are lonely or have bad memories around this time of year and so it’s not a so jolly time of year.
That is exactly why these holiday journal prompts for adults are so helpful! They will help you feel grateful and add meaning to your life during this time!
Why and how do you write a holiday journal?
As many of you may already know, journaling is one of the best ways to reflect on your life, as well as express and get closer to your inner self. It not only gives you clarity but with the help of journal prompts, it can push you to look at things with new perspectives and positivity!
Apart from journal prompts, you can journal out your feelings and even plan your festive to-do lists! Here are 12 days of Christmas self-care ideas.
To Start Writing your Holiday journal,
- Make time to sit alone in a quiet place.
- Get an empty notebook and a pen.
- Brew a winter drink to sip and enjoy.
- Have an open mind
Let’s jump into journal prompt ideas for the festive season!

Holiday Season Journal Prompts for You
Fun Holiday Journal Prompts to Celebrate the Season
- What are your favorite holiday traditions?
- What are you looking forward to the most in this season?
- How are you going to decorate your home for Christmas and New Year?
- Are there any activities you like to do with your family? What good memories do you have around those activities?
- The best part about winter is ___
- Out of all the festivals (Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, and New Year) which one are you most looking forward to and why?
- Write a wishlist of festive activities and how you want to feel throughout the season.
- What is a favorite childhood memory from this time of year?
- What feeling comes first when you think about the holiday season?
- Write about your ideal holiday season day and visualize it in detail.
- What is your favorite holiday treat?
- What new treat would you like to try this year?
- What is the best gift you have ever received?
- How are you planning to make time for self-care in this busy season?
- What is on your festive shopping list this year?
- If you were throwing a party, who would you invite?
- What is a new experience you’d like to have during the holidays?
- Do you feel nostalgic during the holidays? What memories make you feel this way?
Reflective Holiday Journal Prompts
These journal prompts are for everyone, but can be particularly helpful for those who struggle during the holiday season and need a little help finding ways to be happier.
- Write five things you feel grateful for that happened this year.
- What’s one thing you want to do differently this year from last year?
- What are some struggles for you during this time of year? What can you do to get through it?
- How would you like to feel comforted this year?
- Even though many people have happy family celebrations this time of year, it can be the opposite for others. Who are some other people you can be with instead and enjoy?
- Do you like giving or receiving gifts?
- What are some kind things you can do for others before starting the new year?
- What inspired you to start a holiday journal?
- What’s an important lesson you learned this year that has helped you grow?
- What parts of the holiday do you enjoy and not enjoy? How can you do less of what you don’t enjoy?
- Write a thank you letter to someone you feel grateful to.
- What can make you feel happy this season?
- How can you make yourself a priority right now?
- What physical gift could you give yourself for Christmas?
- What non-physical gift do you need? Ex: forgiveness, time alone, self-love, patience, boundaries, etc.
How can you be happy during this season?
As someone who comes from a different religion, my family never celebrated Christmas or New Year even though I went to a Christian school.
Growing up, I would feel a bit sad seeing others having a great time with their family or friends, enjoying this time of the year. I would just sit at home doing nothing during the festive Holiday!
Over time, I have learned to celebrate this time in different ways and make the most out of it.
Like me, you can have a different reason that can cause you to feel sad and struggle to feel happy. Maybe the loss of someone you loved, Abuse, being far away from family, and many others…
No matter what your reason is and what makes your celebration bittersweet, you can always make an effort to feel happy and find other ways to feel good!
Happiness is a choice. When you set your mind to feeling happy no matter what, you will find ways!
Now I spend these festivals sometimes by myself watching a holiday movie, wearing Christmas PJs and sometimes with a friend, exchanging a few gifts and eating treats!
Even though it is not the ideal festive celebration like others, I came up with my own ways to feel happy and enjoy it!
Activities to feel happy during the winter season!
I want to end this by sharing some activities you can do by yourself and with others to feel and enjoy the holiday season!
- Watch holiday movies.
- Go to holiday festival markets.
- Buy a Christmas tree and decorate it.
- Make your favorite holiday drink and treats.
- Dress up in cute outfits.
- Give presents.
- Create your own holiday tradition.
- Visualize your most happy self.
- Spend time with people you feel happy with.
- Share a laugh with someone.
So these were your 33 holiday journal prompts, I hope they help you get through this season in the best way possible! Remember that life is all about enjoying and living in the moment.
Comment below and share an answer from the journal prompts above! Let’s connect!
About the Guest Author:
Hi I am Harshita, creator of Bellflower Lifestyle. It is a personal growth blog that talks about everything from self-care habits to productivity. Find me on Pinterest and Instagram.